October 2, 2023 was the culmination of the Ireland trip for me. The whole reason I wanted to come to Ireland. As some of you know, I have three books coming out starting next August 2024, that are set in Ireland. In Blarney, to be specific. Today we visited Blarney! Oh my gosh, it was so amazing. Especially Blarney Castle!
I was able to visit so many places that are critical to my books. I had only been able to research them online because when I first got the book contract, it was in 2020 and about two weeks later they closed down the borders! So this was truly a dream of mine for several years.
I went with some new friends, Kris and Charlie, and we wandered the beautiful Barney Castle grounds. We saw the druids circle. The witches stone. The druids cave. The waterfall. The seven sisters. And especially important to me, the poison garden! Oh, it was incredible. Just as I had pictured it and even better visiting in person.
No I did not kiss the Blarney Stone because the line was so long. It would’ve taken way longer than our tour guide allotted us. Plus I wasn’t all that crazy about it anyway because it looks insanely horrifying. But I did everything I wanted to do and saw everything I wanted to see. I’ve saved some pictures to post next year when the book comes out. Stay tuned!
I WILL be back!