Running with Paper Clips

I was talking with a friend the other day about my progress in training for the Disney Princess Run on February 23. She’s a marathon runner, and far beyond my abilities, but I get a lot out of the tips she gives me. In this case, I was complaining about how boring it is to run on an indoor track. …

Running with Tunes!

Disney’s Princess 5k/half marathon is in just 58 days, and I’m cranking up my training program. Today I ran/walked (more walked than ran) 2 miles in 24 minutes. Yep, that’s a twelve minute mile! Not bad for someone who had ankle surgery 5 months ago. Though I do admit that my ankle is throbbing at the moment. Still, that’s what …

Training Update 12-6-12

My training to prepare for the Disney Royal Family 5k continues! While I was on the cruise I actually accomplished a first for me — I completed a 5k! Yep, right there on the deck of the cruise ship. Holland America sponsors a Susan G Komen benefit 5k with every long voyage, and invite cruisers to participate. I admit I …


It’s Thanksgiving! Yay! On this day, millions of people all over the United States will pause from the hustle and bustle of their busy lives and spend a moment thinking of the things for which they are thankful. You know, I can’t help but wonder something. If we all took that thankfulness one step further and prayed, that would be …

Cinderella’s Happy Ending?

In my morning devotional time I’m going through Beth Moore’s Breaking Free. I came across a section this morning that made me laugh, and I wanted to share it. The enemy is an expert archer with lots of practice aiming fiery darts. For women often the bulls-eye is childhood dreams or expectations. We grew up believing in Cinderella, yet some …

Gone Fishing, Part II

Okay, back to Peter in the book of John 21. (Lost? Check my previous Journal entry to catch up!) So Peter and the others spend the night fishing, and they catch exactly…zilch. Nada Not a single fish. It’s morning, and suddenly there’s a man standing on the shore, and he calls out, “So, you catch anything?” Not having any idea …

I Think I’ll Go Fishing

While staying in a hotel last month, I came across this picture hanging on in the hallway outside my room. I know the quality isn’t very good, but can you see the scene depicted? It’s a fishing boat, and the men are hauling in their nets, which are bulging with fish. Every time I walked by that picture, I thought …

What if My Guy Didn’t Win?

As a rule, I tend to stay away from politics on the Internet. I’m not going to break that rule today. I have opinions, and I freely admit my opinions are influenced by my Christian faith. That said, now that the elections are over, how are we to respond? Regardless of which candidate won, we have to go on. If …

Jumping Water

The other day I listened to a sermon on tape while walking. (It really helps to keep my mind off the pain in my ankle!!!) The speaker taught on John 4, which is where Jesus ventures in Samaria and encounters the woman at the well. Oh, there’s TONS of good stuff to be gleaned from that encounter, but in this …

God’s Way of Making Me SmileToday

I sang a solo in church this morning. I used to sing quite a but, but a year or so ago I stopped. Not really a conscious decision at first; I just felt the Lord nudging me to focus on other things. But our church recently lost several prominent figures in the music department, and when my friend asked if …