What, you ask, is VBG Day? It stands for Very Big Grin. In other words, it’s the day my braces come off! Woo hoo! This grin has been seventeen months in the making, and I’m going to celebrate! Bite into a caramel apple, and chew bubble gum, and–you may think this is weird–floss my teeth without having to thread between …
Halloween – Do We, or Don’t We?
When I was a teenager, my family attended a church that believed Halloween was a devil’s holiday, and to celebrate in any way was to invite the devil into your life. To counteract the community’s activities around the holiday (i.e. Trick or Treating), that church offered an alternative on Halloween. It was a fun fall festival, with games and lots …
Peace to You from Monterey
This morning I awoke in my hotel room to the sound of the surf breaking on the shoreline, and I thought, “I have to share this with my friends!”
Training Update #1
Yikes! Has it really been 9 days since I determined to train for the Disney 5k? I sat right here and shared my determination to exercise and build my stamina. Oh, the best-laid plans. On Day One I bicycled and walked and worked out. Yay me! That night — ouch. I decided maybe riding 2 miles and walking a half mile …
Time to Train!
As many of you know, I broke my ankle at the end of June. Surgery was on July 10th (a plate and 8 screws), which means I’ve spent three months sitting around with my foot elevated. Let me tell you, that kind of inactivity does not do great things for your figure. I have gained (gulp!) almost 20 pounds. Unacceptable. …
He Sees
I write this from my room at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas. If I glance out the window I see the air traffic control tower looming above the hotel, windows facing every direction so the controllers can watch on everything that happens all over this huge airport. And I am reminded of the One who watches over me. The American …
Writing Historical Stories
(Note: This article first appeared on Romance at Random.) Writing books with historical settings is not for wimps – especially research wimps. Add an entirely unfamiliar culture, like the Amish, and the task could become downright intimidating. But when your publisher gently suggests that such a book might be a good idea…well, you roll up your sleeves and dive in. …
Sexual Habits of the Amish, and Other Things I’ve Learned
(This blog first appeared on Fresh Fiction Blog.) I knew that title would grab your attention! Before you read further, let me assure you that I do not intend to describe intimate details of the Amish or any other people group in this article. I’m going to talk about some of the interesting practices and beliefs I discovered while researching …
A Strong Woman in My Life
(This blog first appeared on Lyn Cote’s “Stories of Strong Women” blog. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share it with you.) “Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain, and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.” – Alex Harris I was browsing through some material the other day (okay, I was surfing …
Caution for Parents
Do you remember Gilda Radner, of Saturday Night Live fame? One of the funniest women who ever appeared on that show, in my opinion. In the Bible study I’m currently doing (Breaking Free by Beth Moore) I was tickled to come across an excerpt from her book, It’s Always Something. When I was little, my nurse Dibby’s cousin had a …