A Message from the Burning Bush

In my morning Bible study time I’m following the Two-Track plan laid out by author Philip Yancy. The plan is divided into a series of 2-week daily readings on various topics, such as “Women of the Bible,” “Prayers of the Bible,” “The Holy Spirit,” etc. This morning I started “Two Weeks on Social Justice.” I admit, when I read that …

He’s There 24×7

I’ve shared with you before that my family has adopted Psalm 91 as our “signature’ passage of scripture. We use it as a form of blessing whenever we part, as in, “I love you! Bye! Psalm 91 on you!” That’s because this Psalm is a testimony of the assurance to those who “make the Most High your dwelling.” In other …

Coming Soon – Florida Christian Writers Conference

I’m in countdown mode. One of my favorite events of the year begins the first of March, and I’m going! Last year I was scheduled to attend Florida Christian Writers Conference, but I had to cancel at the last minute because of a family emergency. So that makes this year’s conference even more exciting for me. Plus, I get to …

Oatmeal Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know, I know – I don’t usually post receipes. To be honest, I’m not much of a cook in recent years. I love to cook, but writing takes up most of my time. However, I made these cookies today and they turned out so well I thought I’d share the recipe. It was created by a nutritionist at the …

Book Review – Everyday Spiritual Warfare

Today I’m happy to participate in the FIRST Wild Card blog tour for a very special book written by a very, very special author – my mother! I had the honor of endorsing the book, and here’s what I had to say: Everyday Spiritual Warfare provides much-needed insight into the spiritual struggles that impact our day-to-day lives. Though full of …

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST …

How to Kill a Giant

In my morning Bible study today I read about David and Goliath. The account is familiar to all of us, how David, who was only a boy, faced down a 9 foot giant, a warrior with armor and a lifetime of battle experience. King Saul tried to give David his own armor, but David couldn’t wear it. Instead, he armed …

Shining Stars

If you watch my Journal closely…well, then you’re probably pretty bored most of the time. I confess that I’m a TERRIBLE blogger! Seems when I have a list of things to accomplish for the day, writing a Journal update falls consistently to the bottom of the list. That’s what has happened lately. Between book releases (Lost Melody by Lori Copeland …

Dreams – Lost Car

Last night I dreamed that I couldn’t find the place where I’d parked my car. I’ve actually dreamed often that I can’t find my car, so I’ve looked up what that might mean. If you believe that our dreams are often an expression of our emotional subconscious states and can be interpreted (which, I confess, I don’t always buy into …

Dream Interpretation: Fire

When I researched my latest book, Lost Melody (which I co-authored with awesome novelist Lori Copeland), I learned a little about dream interpretation. In the story, Jill King is a concert pianist who loses her ability to play the piano when she suffers a devastating injury to her hand. Her dream of playing at Carnegie Hall is shattered along with …