I was reading the Sermon on the Mount this morning, and something occurred to me. Before today, I’ve always pictured Jesus sitting on the top of a gently sloping hill with people gathered all around him, sitting on the grass, or maybe on a blanket they brought from home. He has such a kind, loving face. He’s so peaceful, and …
I’m a Ninety-Niner
In my Bible reading this morning, I read the parable of the lost sheep from Luke. Whenever I read a parable, I place myself in the story. That’s the way I read fiction – I identify with the characters so strongly that at some level I’m seeing the story through their eyes, smelling the smells they smell, hearing the noises …
A Prayer for Our Nation
I downloaded a free Kindle book yesterday, and started reading it last night. I’m not much of a nonfiction reader, so if a nonfiction book gets my attention, you can bet it’s a good one. Powerful Prayers for Troubled Times, Praying for the Country We Love by Stormie Omartian grabbed me immediately. Ms. Omartian is an acknowledged expert on prayer, …
(And no, by “expanding” I am not referring to my hips!) You know, I really didn’t intend for my Journal to become a place for Bible lessons, but that’s the way it seems to be turning out. Still, this is what I think about when I’m not writing fiction. So… I finished my study of Chronicles, and now am going …
Ten Years Later
(The following is from my September 2011 Newsletter. You can see the whole newsletter here.”) When I typed the dateline for this issue of my newsletter, I realized that this month is the tenth anniversary of 9-1-1. Isn’t it funny how everyone knows exactly what I mean when I type those numerals? I don’t think there’s a person alive who …
The Importance of Cleaning House
I’m continuing my morning Bible study of the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. On one level you can look at these accounts of the kings of Judah and Israel as a history lesson. We learn important lessons by studying history, examples of both good and bad behavior. Who was it who said, “Those who ignore history are doomed …
Where I’ve Been and Where I’m Going
Okay, so I surfed over to look at my website the other day and realized I’ve been neglectful. My blog is outdated, my Reader Fun page is outdated, my upcoming events aren’t posted…gosh, didja think I disappeared? Never fear – I am here! Sometimes life gets in the way of social networking, though, ya know? That’s happened to me for …
Raising a Child Who Does What’s Right
I’ve been reading about the historical kings of Israel and Judah. Man, some of them were pretty awful! They basically ignored the God who had made them a nation, and allowed – even encouraged – the people to worship other gods and forget the teachings of the Lord who had redeemed them from slavery and led them to the Promised …
Biblical Parallels in Narnia – Deep Magic
Today we’ll end our discussion of the biblical parallels in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. When we left Narnia last, Edmund has been restored to his family. But he is a traitor, and there’s a price that must be paid. The witch reminds Aslan of the Deep Magic – the rule that says every traitor’s life belongs to …
Biblical Parallels in Narnia – The Past is Past
Today I’m continuing our examination of the Biblical truths in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. When we last talked, we left Peter, Susan, Lucy, and the beavers on the trail to join Aslan. I’ll skip over a big part of the story and come to one of my favorite scenes in any of the seven Chronicles of Narnia. …