In my previous Journal entry, I shared my thoughts about the bread at the Last Supper. (If you missed it, you can read it here.) Today I’m continuing my ponderings, and I invite you to consider the cup. More specifically, the cups, because in a traditional Passover celebration (called a Seder) there are four. Each cup represents one of the …
The Last Supper – The Bread
I’m preparing a talk to deliver at my church’s Wednesday night communion service, so I decided to take a look at the account of the Last Supper for inspiration. From there, I did a little research about the Passover Seder meal, and discovered some cool things I didn’t know before. For instance … There are actually 3 loaves of bread …
A Great Time at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference
Since I’ve been writing for more years than I like to admit, I’ve attended a good number of writer’s conferences. Of course, the conferences I attended at the beginning of my writing career were a bit different than the ones I frequent these days. At that time my goal was to break into publication with science fiction and fantasy. I’ll …
Book Review – Talking to the Dead
Talking to the Dead by Bonnie Grove I had the opportunity to read Bonnie Grove’s novel, Talking to the Dead, several months before it was released. To say I was captivated is an understatement. This is the amazing story of a woman who is suffering from deep grief over the death of her husband. She might be able to move …
Book Review – Witness to Murder
Witness to Murder by Jill Elizabeth Nelson When TV reporter Hallie arrives to interview a model with a promising future, she walks into a grizzly scene — the girl’s boyfriend bending over her body holding the murder weapon. She also makes a baffling discovery when she sees the bracelet the murder victim is wearing. How did that young model end …
Best Book Rating!
I received a fun email today. Murder at Eagle Summit, the second book in the Classical Trio series, has been given a “Best Book” review by Long and Short Reviews. I clicked over to the site, and the review of the book is great. The reviewer said the book kept her on the edge of her seat — awesome! And …
Birthday Lament
Something struck me this morning as I looked at my calendar. Next month I’ll celebrate another birthday. Ugh. This isn’t one of those Big Zero years. Instead, it’s one of those Year-Before-A-Big-Zero years. I think I dread those years even more than the Big Zero, because every time someone asks how old I am and I tell them, they’ll say, …
Book Review – The Disappearance of God
The Disappearance of God by R. Albert Mohler Jr. A commentary on the influence of the postmodern culture on state of Christianity. The author takes a triage approach to the issues affecting today’s Christian church by prioritizing them into three levels of urgency. First level issues are those that threaten the fundamentals of Christian belief, such as the deity and …
Book Review – Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart
Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart by Chuck Black Sir Dalton is a knight serving the Prince, Son of the King who rules the great Kingdom across the Sea. Sir Dalton’s early training is conducted by a knight who plants seeds of doubt in his mind with his endless discussions of theory and very little practical training in combat. When …
Mother-Daughter Sleepover
Roses are RedViolets are blue.We need time awayand we need it with YOU! Our lives are so hectic,we run place to place,that we rarely have timeto see your smiling face. We need just one nightfor a mom/daughter lark.A cabin, perhapsat Pine Mountain State Park! We will laugh, talk, and shareand play lots of fun games.We will tell spicy secretsand call …