Inspired by Food

I was signing books at a book store the other day and a lady approached. She picked up a few of the books displayed on my table, glanced at the back covers, and said, “You must be inspired by food.” I eyed the basket of chocolate candy on the corner. Don’t get me wrong — I love chocolate. But on …

Living Fiction

Fiction really draws me in. The other day I read a book about a demon-killing soccer mom who identified her evil targets by the horrible stench of their breath. The next morning I awoke to find my husband was still asleep, his face turned toward me in the bed. In those fuzzy moments between waking and sleeping, with that story …

Jazzy’s Famous on the Internet!

I’m excited to announce that Jasmine Delaney, the excessively clean violin player who has a starring role in A Taste of Murder, is making her Internet debut! Her very first interview appears on a fun blog called Craftie Ladies of Suspense. Get the scoop about Jazzy’s hair-raising adventure at the Waynesboro Bar-B-Q Festival in her own words. Hear what she …

Jesus for President!

Everywhere I go these days people are campaigning for some political candidate or other – Bowers for Mayor, Williams for District Judge, Sutton for City Council. The messages are on tee-shirts, campaign buttons, billboards, yard signs—especially yard signs. When I walk to the end of the driveway to get the newspaper each morning, my neighbors’ choices for president are proudly …


My husband and I don’t have pets. We both adore animals, but we travel too much to take on the responsibility for a pet. So we have to be content with occasional visits from my daughter’s dog, Jasmine, and our backyard residents, the hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are delightful little creatures. We get up in the morning and take our coffee to …

Skunk Lessons

This morning I took my coffee mug to the front window and gazed outside in the pre-dawn light. A movement in the vicinity of the trash bags we’d piled at the edge of our driveway caught my eye. At first I thought a dog had gotten into the trash, but closer inspection showed a bushy black tail held high, the …

Divine Directions

I was whining during my prayer time the other day about how I needed some direction in a certain situation. I know the Bible tells me that I’m a sheep and Jesus is my shepherd, and I’m supposed to listen to His voice. That’s great. I was all ears. But I couldn’t hear a thing. So I resorted to whining. …

The Right Clothes Make All The Difference

My husband and I recently went on an incredible motorcycle ride in southern Utah. We spent three days on the bike touring the scenic roads and national parks with a fun group of biker dudes. It takes a lot of planning to get ready for a trip like this. Of course, the most important part of the preparation is the …

Gentle Nudges

Last month while I was working on my laptop, I had the strangest thought. “It’s been a long time since I did a full backup of my data. I’d better do that.” Backups aren’t something I do on a regular basis (though I know I should), so it had been several months and several books since my last one. But …