The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones

Cross-posted from the World Fantasy Convention blog Review by Ginny Smith Four young men from the Blackfeet reservation head out to hunt elk. Their search is unsuccessful until they enter a restricted area where they find a small herd in a ravine with no avenue for escape. They open fire. The resulting massacre does provide meat for their families and …

My First WFC by Steve Rasnic Tem

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” – My first World Fantasy Convention was in 1981. That was number seven, held at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley California. It was my third year selling professionally and 1981 had been particularly good with the publication of 13 short stories. I’d worked with a number of editors at that point, …

Halfway There by Mary Soon Lee

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” In recent years, there’s been an increasing awareness of the importance of diversity in fiction, including diversity in gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, wealth, and age. Along with this has come a discussion of own voices, and the extent to which it matters whether a story about, for instance, a lesbian …

My First World Fantasy Convention by Paul Genesse

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” – Why are there a hundred people in line to get signatures from that guy? Who is he? Neil Gaiman you say? I haven’t heard anything about him. That was in 2002, when I attended my first World Fantasy Convention (WFC) in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I had no clue about most of …

My First WFC by Carol Berg

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” – When my first novel, Transformation, was published in August 2000 and I discovered that the sky did not open and reveal a whole new dimension of existence, I asked my agent, “What do I do now?” “First, put up a website,” she said. “Done.” “And you could start going to …

A Conversation with Ann Chamberlin

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” Today we’re talking with author and playwright Ann Chamberlin. Ann is a member of the World Fantasy Convention and is also serving as the Registration Committee Head for WFC 2020! Ann spent big blocks of time as a child in Europe where her father was professor of mathematics. She has traveled …

Throwback Thursday – WFC 1996

Cross-posted from “A City of Salt and Fantasy” My first World Fantasy Convention was way back in 1996. I was an aspiring writer with a bunch of short stories and stack of rejection letters under my belt. I wasn’t interested in costumes or games, so the well-known fan cons held little appeal. What I wanted were contacts in the …

A Conversation with Joe Haldeman

Cross-posted from Today we have the pleasure of chatting with Joe Haldeman, a legendary writer who is a mainstay at the World Fantasy Convention. Named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Joe Haldeman has earned steady awards over his 50-year career: his novels The Forever War and Forever Peace both made clean sweeps …

Valley of Lights by Stephen Gallagher

Cross-posted from Until a couple of years ago I thought of Stephen Gallagher, author Guest of Honor at WFC 2020, primarily as a screenwriter. He’s been instrumental in many creepy-and-fascinating shows, some of which you can read about on his Guest of Honor bio page posted on the WFC 2020 website and in even more detail at Being …

An Unusual First WFC by L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Cross-posted from Unlike most of today’s fantasy writers, I didn’t attend any conventions until more than ten years after my first story was published. My first World Fantasy Convention didn’t occur until twenty-five years after I sold that first story… and that was in 1997.  The 1997 WFC was held in London at the International Hotel in the Docklands, …