The cry rang out through the cold mountain air. “There’s a frozen dead guy on the chair lift!”
A romantic ski resort seems the perfect place for a wedding—until a murder on the slopes turns everyone on Eagle Summit into suspects. Early one morning a frozen body is found on a ski lift, and the police are searching for witnesses. In town with her musical friends to play at her cousin’s wedding, Liz Carmichael glimpsed a shadowy figure on a chair lift in the middle of the night. But was it the victim or the killer?
Liz contacts the sheriff’s department and finds herself giving the report to Deputy Tim Richards, the man she jilted a year before. Tim isn’t ready to forgive and forget. If the choice were left up to him, he would do everything he could to avoid his ex-fiancée. But there’s a killer on the loose. And he has his sights on Liz.