A wagging tail. A goofy, floppy-tongued smile. An excited bark when your keys jingle in the door.
A wagging tail. A goofy, floppy-tongued smile. An excited bark when your keys jingle in the door.
Dogs are truly one of God’s finest creatures, a marvelous gift for us humans. They love us despite our faults and remind us to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life. They give us their all in return for food, play, and a scratch behind the ears.
The Dog Next Door is a delightful collection of true stories that celebrate the dogs in our lives. Inside you’ll meet a timid standard poodle who conquers his fears to bring joy to others, a brigade of protective German shepherds, a friendly dog who pulls a young man back from the darkness of mental illness, a scruffy mutt who finds her calling, and many more. These warm stories will touch your heart and renew your spirit.
So curl up on the couch with the special dog in your life . . . and enjoy!
“Every dog has a tale to tell. This lovable collection of true and heartwarming stories celebrates the bond between dogs and humans. You’ll be entertained, inspired, and touched by the ability of dogs to be instruments of God’s miracles. These powerful stories will resonate with anyone who has loved a dog.”–Suzanne Woods Fisher, bestselling author of the Lancaster County Secrets series and puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind