Death by starvation is inevitable...until a prophet of Yahweh appears asking for her last drop of oil.
A devastating fire threatens the lives of Adaliah’s four-year-old son and her abusive husband. In a desperate effort, she faces the raging inferno to rescue her son from certain death. But her husband is left to the fate of the flames and does not survive.
Did she hesitate a moment too long? Could she have saved him if she’d truly wanted to?
Left to cope with the aftermath of the fire, the condemnation of her husband’s relatives, and her own guilt, Adaliah struggles to scrape out a living from the ashes of her former life. She is an outcast in the village, thanks to the vicious rumors spread by her stepdaughter. When she and her son face starvation, a prophet of Yahweh appears, asking for her last drop of oil.
1 Kings 17 describes the flight of the prophet Elijah to the small town of Zarephath. There he is sheltered and hidden from the from from certain death at the hand of Ahab and Jezabel. Though only 15 verses describe the years he spent in the home of a widow there, research into the region in 863 BC reveals much about the culture and people of that town. The widow of Zarephath comes to life in The Last Drop of Oil.
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