Funny Faces and Myths

I just returned from the Cottonwood Heights Literacy Fair in Salt Lake City, Utah. I loved it! The audience consisted of book lovers and aspiring writers. The previous speaker, Paul Genesse, has written several fantasy novels (dragons – my favorite!), and the organizer, Amy Maida Wadsworth, is a writing coach and has published three novels herself. So I was sandwiched by two fascinating writers and speakers. They taught the attendees about various writing techniques – story creation, creating a hook, point of view. I, on the other hand, decided to speak on a more somber subject – The Myths of a Career in Writing. It’s a talk I’ve been asked to give fairly often to high school career classes, and covers the misconceptions people often have about the writing profession. (For instance: a writer has final say-so over the title and cover art of her book. Not true! Those are decisions made by the publisher’s marketing department.)

My daughter came to the event and brought the World’s Cutest Grandson (who behaved himself like the little gentleman he is), and she snapped some pictures. One thing is sure – I expend a lot of energy when I speak! The photographic evidence proved what I’ve known all along — I make weird faces when I speak. I’ll let you be the judge. (Click on the picture to see a bigger image.)

I really enjoyed speaking at this event. The audience was terrific, and I’m sure we’re going to be hearing about their books soon.