I’m sure you’ve all heard about Punxsutawney Phil, the weather-predicting groundhog who emerges from his den on February 2nd each year and prognosticates the length of winter. This year Brad and I decided to check out the event! We had a blast in Punxsy (their nickname for Punxsutawney). We stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast in nearby DuBois (the locals pronounce it DOO-boys), since accommodations in Punxsy are booked solid for years in advance. The Notter House looked like an old converted church, though there was evidence that it used to be a funeral home. So comfy and well-appointed – we’d stay there again, given the opportunity.
We spent February 1st getting our bearings and checking out the area. After breakfast at a cute local diner called the Bobbette, we made our way over to Punxsy. We walked around the downtown park to check out the vendors and take pics with the seemingly countless statues of Phil around town. We stumbled onto a talent show taking place at the local community center, and really enjoyed it. People of all ages, skill levels and from a far as Long Island, Illinois and such sang and told jokes. We even took a carriage ride around the town square that was provided, free of charge, by the Chamber of Commerce. Then we drove up the hill to Gobbler’s Knob to see where The Event would take place the next day, and were surprised by how small the area was.
That night, on Groundhog Eve, we went to the Punxsy Area Community Foundation Dance, where Brad totally commanded the dance floor. The band’s name was Almost Mulberry – there’s a senior living center in town called Mulberry
– and they were awesome. We danced like…well, like teenagers! Then home to get a few hours’ sleep before The Big Event.