He Sees

I write this from my room at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas. If I glance out the window I see the air traffic control tower looming above the hotel, windows facing every direction so the controllers can watch on everything that happens all over this huge airport. And I am reminded of the One who watches over me.

The American Christian Fiction Writers conference ends this morning. I’ve had an incredibly awesome time seeing my friends in the publishing industry. My roommate has been Lori Copeland, my co-author and dear friend, and our time together was not only motivating and inspiring, but we’ve encouraged one another. Last night at dinner I sat between two dear writing friends with whom I don’t get to spend nearly enough time throughout the year, authors Sherry Kyle and Jennifer Dyer. I greeted other friends I haven’t seen in a year, too many of them to list. It’s been a joyful few days.

Last night’s award gala was wonderful. Over seven hundred fiction writers, editors, publicists, and agents, all dressed up in sequins and glitter and suits (and the occasional Star Trek uniform – gotta love Trekkies!) I looked out over a huge room full of happy, chattering people and was nearly overcome with the thought that God has placed a precious story inside every precious heart. That is a lot of stories!

A writer might be tempted to experience a bit of depression in the midst of all those other writers. With all those stories, surely mine will get lost in the flood. That’s why I think God gave me this particular hotel room. One glance out the window at that tower reminds me that nothing escapes His notice. He sees. He knows. He is here, in the midst of us all, watching from a vantage point that enables Him to see in every direction. Not a single writer, nor a single story, escapes His notice. Not even me.