Talia knows her life was restored for a reason. Her father, Jairus, assures her of that. But it's been ten years since Yeshua raised her from death to life, and she is no closer to knowing why.
Resurrected at age twelve by Yeshua, Talia knows her life was restored for a reason. Ten years have passed since that incredible day, and still she has no idea what Adonai wants her to do with the life He restored. Surely there is some task, some great mission for her to accomplish. But Capernum is so far away from the exciting events that are taking the message of Yeshua around the world. And why would anyone listen to her anyway, a lonely woman with no friends and no husband? How can she ever do anything worthwhile for the Lord?
But maybe Capernum isn’t as isolated as Talia thinks. Yeshua’s church is spreading like a wildfire, bringing a message of unfathomable love, and a firestorm of conflict. The smell of smoke reaches even Capernum, and the flames are not far behind.